WCF Community

Find out more about what we do both within our church and our local community

Beyond Sunday

One of our core values is service. We rely on volunteers to provide the music for weekly worship, to welcome and serve refreshments, to bake cakes, to oversee the technical running of the services, to run the youth groups and to assist with community events. We are so grateful for any help, and to know that we belong to a real family here at Winslow Christian Fellowship.

Church Community

What do we do as a church to form a sense of family?

Daily Prayer

We have daily prayer meetings on Zoom at 8:45 am.

Home Groups

Weekly home groups to form closer relationships and grow together.

Monthly Lunch

Once a month we get together after the service to have a 'bring and share' meal together.

Weekend Away

A biannual weekend away - this year, we went to High Leigh!

For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many

Mark 10:45

WCF and Winslow

We seek to share the love of God with the people in our local area through service. We may not be a huge church, but we have big plans for how we can help our local community in the future!

Number 92

We may be a small church, but we have big plans to serve our local community!

As a church, we own a property on Winslow high street, number 92. Until recently, this has been the home of our pastor, but since the Poyntz family have moved into a new home, we have an ambitious plan to transform this property.

As we don't have a church building per se, we hope to be able to use number 92 as a functional space for the activities of our church, but also as a community space with a cafe a and smaller rooms available to be used for local groups.

You can see a bit more about the vision we have and what we hope to achieve in the video below!

Project 92